Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Okay I made this thing

A couple years ago I went to Europe with Christian Neff and did a blog so people back home could follow along. Subscriptions numbered well into the slightly-less-than-tens, including at least one person who was not directly related to either of the travelers.

Christian has since reprised his adventures in Europe, and did a much better job without having to drag me along. Meanwhile I was busy graduating college and doing a bunch of boring crap that happens after that (probing the depths of the human experience to answer questions such as, "What exactly does one do with a B.A. in Creative Writing?").

But being ever-stricken with wanderlust, Christian and I are teaming up once again; this time we set our sights on Asia.

By popular demand--or at least due to a couple demands...well, a couple of casual inquiries about whether I'd be blogging again--I've decided to go ahead and document the journey.

So I made this thing.

Once I figure out how to use it, I'm sure it will be great.

Follow this blog if you care about all that.

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