Monday, June 15, 2015

In KL: Batu Caves

Our next day in KL we got up and had toast (so many hostels offer breakfast which always consists of toast, with butter, jam, peanut butter, or other toppings). Toast isn't all that filling, even if you eat 5 of it.

Our first destination was just a bit north of town, a place called Batu Caves. We took a train up to it, it was obvious when we were arriving because there was a big rocky hill thing jutting up from the middle of flat nothing.

Off the train it was a short walk toward the rocks to find what we were looking for. Not a lot of signs, but clearly a popular location. We even ran into one of our roommates from the hostel.

Getting into Batu Caves means climbing lots of stairs, something like 270 steps. But it's worth it. The Caves are paved inside, theyre a popular Hindu location as well as plain tourism.

The ceilings are quite high up. Here's looking backwards toward the entrance:

And one in the big middle section.

And leading up to the back:
And looking up in the final section:

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