Saturday, June 20, 2015

Ko Phi Phi Part 2

Today, 6/20

We didn't get up to too much so far today. We slept in, washed some clothes in the sink, bought some unexciting logistical bits and pieces from a convenience store. Things got better later, and I have some pictures! But first things first...

I wandered about town for a while around noon trying to find certain points of interest. Long Beach, the road to Loh Mee Dee beach, the path uphill to the viewpoint. Some I found, others I did not.

Side note: I've become fond of Chang beer, which first interested me because it is the cheapest on any given menu. It's made in Thailand, so I can feel a bit like a local when I drink it, and it doesn't taste bad at all. It's not going to win any awards or praise from connoisseurs or anything, but it is highly refreshing when cold and eminently drinkable even once made tepid by the tropical heat. Still, the main draw is that it is the cheapest, haha.  

The Viewpoint

The main thing we've done today is hike to the viewpoint. It's a pretty long walk up some steep terrain, but nothing compared to Ijen. It was cloudy all day, so no direct sun, but we sweat like crazy anyway.

The final view was definitely worth it. We had no idea what it would look like, even what we would be looking out over. Turns out we were at a high point looking back over the island, back over the main town, the stretch of sand between the mountainous bits.

It was pretty nice, as these pictures will show!

Ko Phi Phi: Assorted Unscientific Facts & Statistics

  • Restaurants serve about 50% western food (pizza, sandwiches, pastas, etc), with the other 50% being more local food (Thai mainly, with a smattering of Indian, Chinese, etc.)
  • While walking through the town, you'll encounter roughly 5.3 cats per minute
  • As you move towards the southeast corner, the tourist population apparently shifts drastically from ~100% young whites to ~100% Asian families 
  • Roughly 75% of beach-side bars will feature fire dancing/flaming batons in the evening (this may be limited to Friday nights or weekends, more research is required)
  • Our AC unit makes it sound like it is pouring rain outside at all times...this probably has little scientific value
    Christian with a beer and a notebook

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