Thursday, June 25, 2015

Phi Phi Pics & More Boring Text

Pictures from the other day...

Here's Christian and I enjoying our Phi Phi island hopping and snorkeling adventure, I wish I could ever have stable enough internet to upload video! But this will have to do:

Maya Bay

Shark Point

Leaving Phi Phi

Yesterday we checked out of Phi Phi and killed a few hours sitting around various places between our hotel and the ferry pier. I still wasn't feeling 100% but much better than before and I was good to go. 

The ferry was tremendously under booked and over air-conditioned. Thus we each stretched out on whole rows of seats, using life-jackets for pillows, and rode somewhat comfortably for the two hour journey. The problem was that the AC was blasting us back into the ice-age the whole way.

We arrived safely and jumped aboard a "shuttle" into Krabi town, which was a pickup truck with benches in the back. This took us directly to our hostel, Pak Up again--I happened to still have my Krabi map with me so I pointed out where we were headed on that.

We checked in again, I took a shower. We eventually wandered to some random spot for food, but my for the most part my stomach begged me to just lay down. I did have an actual meal for dinner though, so that's important.


Went to bed early and woke up early. We had arranged for a shuttle ride to the airport, and pickup was at 7 am. Now that I was feeling better, fate ordained that Christian must feel worse in order to maintain cosmic balance. 

He's ok to get going, but not happy about it. We're going to Chiang Mai today.

We arrive at the airport. Check-in. I eat a croissant. We wait at the gate. Krabi airport only has 6  gates I think. 4,5,6 all shared one big seating area, and though the staff who were making the boarding announcements didn't really speak english and our plane had a gate change, we managed to get aboard the right plane easily enough.

The plane was not at all full. The flight was unremarkable over clouds the whole way. I was reminded of something that had been said back on the shuttle from the Krabi ferry, in broken english, about Chiang Mai being rainy.

We land and I snag a map from a wall of free stuff. Chiang Mai's Old City is a big square, wreathed in a canal and a loop of road. Well, actually not even a very big square. I think it only takes about 20 minutes to walk from one side to the other. We got a taxi to our hostel, checked in and now Christian is in bed. 
Important sign at the taxi area outside Chiang Mai airport

I wandered a short distance around the town in search of some lunch, any kind of 7-11 type store, and an ATM. I only found lunch. I also found a constant sprinkle of extremely light rain.

And now I'm back at the hostel writing this...while doing so Christian awoke and regaled me with an excerpt from a wonderful dream he'd had, which I have recorded without his express consent:

"I feel like I just defeated the Empire and saved Earth...We were driving around in Fiats...not really fiats but they looked like fiats. the good guys were building fiats as fast as they could for a demo-derby on the outside of the city. We had a couple good cars, but fiats were the best. So we were driving those around destroying all the bad guys cars. And then my fiat turned into some kind of flying thing..."

Here he tapered off and gave up narrating.

1 comment:

  1. After more deliberation I think I've made sense of the taxi sign: "(if) taxi services (are) disrespectful (to you), please (call the number to complain)"
